Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 10 - our first experiment in the Nutribullet

Today's Craving: 

Last night. I had the best night of sleep yet! Today, dad is walking around with a puffed up chest. He insists that it's his good care that made it possible. I only had 2 spasms all night; one about 30 minutes after I fell asleep, and another in the middle of the night (around 4am). A Christmas miracle! Plus, I slept in until 11am!

Mom went to Madison's baccalaureate mass this morning (I can't believe she's old enough to be graduating from ugh school!) but when she got home, she made me an awesome smoothie with blueberries and bananas. Yum! That brought me to my first obstacle of the day: getting blueberry skins out of your mouth when you're wired shut. But it's okay, the smoothie was definitely worth the work :)

After breakfast we hung out and I watched a little TV. Since it's been about two weeks since I've been to my apartment, and Courtney and Gaby flew in tonight to stay there, I figured I should go by, grab some more supplies and clean up a bit. So Mom, Kevin and I did just that. Meanwhile, Dad went to meet Grandma, Grandpa and the rest of the family for dinner at Dio Deka in Los Gatos. No big deal. I'm not bitter at all that they wait until I'm wired shut to go have this amazing dinner. Just one more thing to look forward to, I guess. 

When we came home, we dove right into Game of Thrones again and then I got hit with a craving. A craving I could actually satisfy! So I asked Mom to make her greatest creation yet: A chocolate & peanut butter shake. The added bonus is that we finally found a good use for the chocolate ensure. You see, we had bought chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, but I didn't really like the chocolate very much. It made this weird film in my mouth that seemed to just get stuck in there no matter how much I rinsed or suctioned. Anyways, in shake form it was BOMB.COM. Plus it gave me a little but of protein, from the Ensure, so it kept me full for quite a bit. I have a new go-to snack, for sure. 

Around the time I was finishing my fourth syringe, Kevin took off for the airport to pick up Gaby and Courtney. They'll be here through the weekend! I'm so excited to have them here. I only hope my jaw can behave, because every time we're together, we're laughing. Which is normally painful for me.  Already, when Kevin got home from the airport, we all had each other cracking up with my talking app! It's gonna be a great weekend. 

Here's my progress picture for the day:

I'm managing to smile a bit now, despite the swelling and numbness. It looks like most of the swelling has moved down to my neck, which is exciting.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I've been planning to make you a chocolate pb shake since you first told me about the surgery. Get ready for a mouth-gasm! hahaha So glad to hear you've doing much better!!! XO
