Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 4 - Yep, still swelling...

Today's Craving: Cheese Pizza 

Another rough night of sleep but I made it. When I woke up at 3:45am to take my pain med, I watched TV because I couldn't fall back to sleep. Plus, "The Mighty Ducks" was on, and you do not turn that ish off when it's showing.  I noticed "The Joy Luck Club" was on but ending, so I set it to tape later in the morning. When mom and I woke up, we watched it and ate breakfast (Ensure for me). I'm not sure it was the best movie choice, since I'm not supposed to cry while my jaws are wired shut, because it blocks my nose (aka my only airway right now). On the other hand, I've discovered that laughing a lot really hurts my cheeks and jaws, so it's a catch 22. I'm stuck either watching poorly acted dramas or mediocrely written comedies.

After the movie, I went upstairs and mom helped me with a "bath". I can't take a shower yet, since the water is not supposed to hit my face and mom didn't have a stopper for her tub, so a solid wipe down with a wet washcloth it is! It was rather reminiscent of Game of Thrones. Just call me Khaleesi. It felt really good and refreshing though. Then mom put my hair in a bun, so it was out of my face.  A regular salon visit. 

After I ate lunch, Cady and Joanna came by to visit. Cady brought me a bunch of magazines and books, and Joanna brought me some TV box sets and a cute flower. It was nice to visit with them, and answer Joanna's 47 questions about the surgery :P I'm lucky to have friends who are so invested in my recovery.

After the visiting, I was super worn out, so Francis and I settled into the recliner for a nap. I was in that weird space where your half asleep and half awake, when all of a sudden something made Francis bark. It scared the crap out of me, so I started awake and the panic caused the biggest muscle spasm yet.   I'm having small muscles spasms regularly. Normally, in the middle of the night, or when I'm swallowing, but when these big ones happen, it's so unnerving (pun intended). It felt like my bone split and sharp shooting pains went through my lower jaw. It really scared me. I was worried I had jostled something out of place. Luckily, Mom and Kevin were able to talk me down and through it.

Francis is also on the mend. He has pneumonia and is also eating out of a syringe. Trying to steal my sparkle...

After that episode, Kevin's parents and brother came over to visit. Again, they spoiled me with some beautiful orchids. That segued nicely to a nice dinner of chicken broth and a little fun on the iPad. I've discovered my new favorite obsession, the MyVegas Slot app. Slot machines, from the comfort of my recliner, without risking any of my own money?!? This was made for me.

We ended the night by watching the documentary Blackfish. Again, not quite sure where my head was at with this movie choice. Because nothing perks you up after major surgery like watching the story of poor Orcas trapped in captivity and forced to live their days in isolation from their families…

Here's my progress picture from today:

Every other blog I've read says that the swelling usually peaks on Day 3. Even Dr. Fujimoto suggested that would be my biggest day, but I really think today I was bigger than yesterday. Mostly around my second chin area. And my face just looks wider. No real bruising yet though, so that's a good thing. 

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Slowly but surely, right? Hopefully your muscle spasms stop. :( Poor Francis.

  2. You've turned into Grandpa. Once he's in the recliner with his poker game's all over. Maybe black and white westerns are the way to go. Idk ask George!
