Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The sound of silence

Hey everyone!

Just a quick note to let everyone know I'm alive and well :P The surgery this AM went well and I'm working on a full post chronicling the day. I'm adjusting to being wired shut.  Cheese and rice is it hard not to talk! This blog is going to one helluva tool for me.

To set the scene, right now I'm in my room in the ICU watching Full House. I just got my Tylenol and morphine so I'm feeling good.  Gross alert, I currently have a tube down my nose and throat leading to my stomach, so the hardest thing for me is swallowing (TWSS).  I'm hoping to get this tube out tomorrow. as it's pretty much the main source of my pain right now. I also have a little suction tube that I can use to pull saliva out of my mouth. It's my favorite thing right now.  Other than that, I have these leg massager thingsto keep me from getting blood clots, and my head is all bandaged up.  Oh and did I mention I'm numb from my lips down? A sight to be seen dear readers, a sight indeed.

In all reality I feel pretty good and I'm feeling very positive about day 1 of my recovery.  I'm excited to share this journey with all of you and for the days to (hopefully) fly by.

Well, Uncle Jesse is just about to serenade Aunt Becky on the steps of Cinderella's castle, so that's my cue. Time for this little morphling to slip off into dreamland. Thanks for reading.


  1. Glad everything went well! Get some rest & we'll send tube removal vibes your way!

  2. I can't wait to hear what happens after the tube is removed! Keep me posted and I love you Jenny!!!

  3. So happy that everything went well! Looking forward to seeing you as soon as you get home!

  4. So glad things went well!!! :)
