Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 6 - What's in my mouth?

Today's craving: Eggs in a basket

I slept pretty poorly last night. When I woke up around 3:00am to take my pain pill, I turned the TV on to relax a bit. Dog: The Bounty Hunter and Beth slowly coaxed me back to sleep sometime around 5am. Thanks for da help brudda. When I woke up later that morning, I had breakfast and started watching "Mad Men". It's one of the series I've decided to start watching while I am out on leave.

We had decided that his morning was the morning that we would attempt to wash my hair. You see, I can't really lay my head back. It puts too much pressure on my jaw. I also can't really take a shower yet, since the water isn't supposed to hit my face. Also they're worried about me standing for long periods of time. Go figure. So as I was getting ready to jump in the bath, I noticed a new development: my first signs of bruising.

It doesn't show very well in the picture above but you can kind of make it out. It's mostly just that my neck and top of my chest have a weird yellowish tinge to it now. I'm pleasantly surprised though, I expected it to be much worse.

So mom took me upstairs and we drew my bath. I got in and it felt AH-MAZING. I soaked for a while, then mom and I took on the 2 man task of washing my hair. So like I said, I can't just tilt my head back because it puts a lot of pressure on my jaw, which can make it move further back in the socket, which is no bueno. So I had to put my hands behind me, then lean back on them which allowed my head to tilt ever so slightly. Mom then washed my hair. Then I had to assume a whole new position to rinse it. Honestly, this struggle was something I never really thought about when preparing for this surgery. It just did not occur to me that I might have issues showering. So if anyone out there is prepping for surgery and found this little blog of mine, make sure you have someone you would feel comfortable pouring water over your head while you're naked, sitting cross legged with a washcloth over your eyes.  (thank god for moms…)

After that joyous experience, our family friend, Connie came over to visit. She was carrying a big box and said she had something for me. She had made me my very own T-Shirt Quilt! She took all of my old Delta Zeta tshirts and put them together to make the cutest comfiest quilt ever!

Connie is the craftiest woman alive and makes some of the most beautiful quilts you've ever seen. I feel truly honored that she took the time to make it for me. It is really something I will treasure forever. Mom hit the nail on the head when she said "Oh she isn't going to even let anyone else touch this quilt…". I can't thank you enough Connie!!!
I should add that mom helped with the quilt too (in that she did some of the ironing). So thanks Mom!

Connie and I with my quilt. Sorry for the bad lighting. 

Connie's visit left me pooped (and with a spasm from trying to talk) so I passed out in the recliner. When I came to, Dad and Kevin had both come home. Kevin mentioned something about feeling cold, having the chills and not feeling so hot. So we had to kick him out of the house. We just can't take the chance that I would get sick. If I get congested and my nose it blocked, I'm really screwed. So it was bye bye Kevin for the night :(

As for the rest of the night, I managed to suck down some ensure for dinner, with my usual antibiotic and pain med chasers. As Mom and I settled into season 2 of Game of Thrones (we're trying to catch her up), I noticed that it felt like there was something in my mouth. At first I thought it was just a bit of ensure, but as I played with it, I came to a terrifying conclusion.


People, this is terrible. I can't get it out! My teeth are locked shut and it is stuck on my tongue. I've tried everything! I drank a crap ton of water, tried swishing with mouthwash (which is a poor excuse for swishing since I'm still so numb and fragile) and even tried drinking more ensure. No luck. Kevin ordered a suction machine, like the one I had in the hospital, off the internet for me, so I'm thinking maybe when that gets here and set up, it will help me with this little dilemma. But I guess I'll just have to live with it until then.

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Look at that clean hair! ;)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Good'll be able to handle ANYTHING once this is over! I'm sure the bath/clean hair was like heaven after the fact. You look more like you! Hope Kev feels better quick so he can come back to spend time with you. *HUGS*

  2. dilemmas I never thought of (hair washing and unwanted stuff in mouth). Hopefully it is out now?
    Your mom helped a lot with the quilt, never under estimate the ironing! There is a lot and she did 95% of it. I had the fun part of sewing it together. Enjoy! Love you both.

  3. I was an ironing machine but let's face it, No Connie, No Beautiful Quilt..... I enjoyed watching her magic though! good times.. Love you both!
