Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 8 - Trying new stuff

Today's Craving: Raviolis 

Well, last night I woke up every 2 hours with spasms. It wasn't exactly pleasant. But I ended up sleeping until 11am this morning. By the time I woke up, I ate brunch (ensure) and started watching Mad Men, one of the series I really want to finish before I go back to work.

After brunch, I got ready for the day and brushed my teeth. Also, for the fist time I used the Peridex rinse that Dr. Fujimoto prescribed for me. The Peridex is a prescription rinse that is supposed to kill any and all bacteria in my mouth. I'm supposed to use it because there is no way to clean the back side of my teeth. However, Dr. Fujimoto let me know that theres a downside to using it; it can stain your teeth. He said that this staining is, most of the time, irreversible, so he's recommended that I only use it twice a week. Can you imagine if after going through all of this I ended up with stained teeth?!? I'd be pissed.

I spent the rest of the afternoon plowing through Mad Men. Dad and Kevin came home early in the afternoon. I'm (reluctantly) happy to report that my nemesis, Francis, seems to have made a full recovery from whatever bug was plaguing him the past week. He's back to his ankle snapping old self. Dad is super happy to have his buddy back.

As the afternoon went on, I started to sink into a funk. The doctor had warned us that it might happen. That I'd have good and bad days. I just felt bleh and the more I thought about it the more I realized…I was freaking hungry! And I mean really hungry, not chicken broth and Ensure hungry. So after some tears, we decided to give the syringe another shot. Dad got out the cream of potato soup, cooked it up and then ran it through the Nutribullet. In order for it to run through the syringe and tubing, it had to be totally liquified. The moment of truth came and we loaded it into the syringe. I stuck the tube into my mouth, depressed the syringe and….

OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD. I downed like 3.5 syringes in like 10 minutes, and to my surprise I finally felt satisfied. It's not the easiest way to eat, especially since I'm still so numb, but it will definitely do, for now. I can't wait to try some more new stuff now!

Check out that look of concentration. It's a delicate balance of "GET IN MY BELLY" and "Please don't explode out of my mouth"

After that Yvonne came over and introduced us to her new puppy. She was so cute and Yvonne brought me the prettiest flowers. She also brought me some yogurt and some ice cream. I can't wait to dig into that. I see a bunch of shakes in my future :)

Now we've all settled down to the couch and we're watching Captain Phillips, at dad's request. It's pretty fitting because now that I can eat out of the syringe, I am the freakin' captain now! Take that, pirate like wires holding my jaw in place!

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. smile with your eyes :)

    can i request a wink for your next progress pic??
