Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 12 - Who says you can't wine taste when you're wired shut??

Today's Craving: Wine

This morning, like the good host I am, I slept through my guests phone calls and texts. Whoops! So by the time I had woken up, Mom had already picked them up and took them to breakfast. I threw myself together and asked Kevin to drop me off with them. 

I met them at Hash House, and by the time I showed up, we were ready to be seated. We sat down and I found a smoothie on the menu. Being the optimistic person I am, I had packed my syringe and tube just in case there was something I could eat. I found a banana strawberry smoothie and pointed it out on the menu when the waiter came to take our order. It was nice to be out an about again; it made me feel almost normal. The smooth came and I focused on eating it all instead of drooling over everyone else's breakfast :P It was good and I ate the whole thing!

My first meal outside of the house!

We headed home to relax a bit and Gaby gave me the sweetest gift! She brought me a puzzle and few of the cutest needle point patterns ever! They are patterns of the Harry Potter trio, Peter Pan, Capt. Hook and the Lost Boys, and the Star Wars cast! I've never done needlepoint before, but the dork inside of me is so excited to try! 

After our relaxing time, we decided it would be fun to take Courtney and Gaby to visit Kathi at the winery she works at on the weekends, Testarossa. We made our way up there and into the tasting room. It's such a cool place and it was so nice to see Kathi. Everyone else started wine tasting, and I enjoyed vicariously through them. Man, I really wanted some of that wine! Everyone was kind enough to let me sniff their wines before they tasted them, and it was good enough to help me make it through. Another bonus, it didn't seem like a lot of people noticed that there was something wrong with me…so that was cool. The doctor had said (and I quote) "It will be about a month before people stop staring at you" so my first day out in public was a pleasant surprise. LOL.

After the excursion I was worn out. I mean I was ready to sleep for hours. This surgery and the recovery has really taken a toll on my energy levels. I guess I never noticed it before, but since I was out and about today, there was no way to avoid how tired I got. So after watching the One Direction movie, bidding my adieu to my friends and sending them off to the airport I went down for a nap. That's not to say I wasn't really upset to see my friends go. It was hard to say goodbye, and I choked up a little, but didn't want to cry. I am so happy they were able to come up and visit with me. It really lifted my spirits to have them here. It gave me something to look forward to as I was struggling through last week, and kept me so occupied and happy this weekend. I know I've said it quite a few times, but damn I feel so lucky to have such awesome people in my life! I miss them already and wish we could do this every weekend!

Don't mind my new "smile". 

After my nap, dad made me a surprise: burrito in a blender! He blended up refrained beans, some cheese and sour cream and put it in a syringe for me. Oh man was it delicious. I think because it was real food, not some Ensure based concoction, I was in heaven. The only problem was that it was too thick and cloging up the syringe tubing! Eventually it exploded all over me and my PJs. It was bound to happen. Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for a syringe mishap :P

The rest of the night was spent lounging in my chair and watching more Game of Thrones. Dad made me a chocolate and banana smoothie for dessert and that was my cue for bed.

No real progress picture today, but here's our group photo from wine tasting :)

Thanks for reading!

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