Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 31 - On the downward slope!

Today's Craving: Chorizo and Eggs

I woke up early today, to go with Dad to visit Grandma and Grandpa. On the way there, we stopped by Dad's house to check on the fence he was having fixed, but eventually we made it to Gma and Gpa's house. We spent a couple of hours hanging out with them and eventually ended up heading out to lunch.

Grandma wanted to go to Erik's deli. I was really hungry, and a bit ambitious, so I decided to order some soup. I was going to try the vegetable soup because I guessed it would be more brothy, but when I ordered, the cashier suggested that tomato bisque might be better for me. I took his word and ordered that. When I got my soup, I had to let it cool down a bit before digging in. This has been one of those unforeseen issues that has come with this surgery. It's really difficult to gauge the temperature of the foods I eat. I mean I can't stick out my tongue to see if my soup is too hot. I kind of have to test it on my hand, and then pray that I don't burn the crap out of my mouth! So I tend to be a little overly cautious. Eventually, I was able to try it. I put a little on a spoon and dumped it into my mouth and was only able to get a little bit through the holes in my splint before it started getting blocked. Dad even got me a straw so I could try getting it in that way, but it was still no dice. It's just so frustrating. I really can't wait to just be able to sit in a restaurant and enjoy some food when I'm out with everyone.

After lunch, Dad and I dropped grandma and grandpa off and headed back home. We made home in time for me to relax for a bit, and then Mom and I left to pick up Yvonne from her house. We had plans to get our nails done. Mom and I got to Yvonne's house and went inside while she got her stuff ready to leave. All of a sudden, my throat went dry and felt like there was an itch in it. I went into this crazy choking fit, which is really uncomfortable and painful when you are wired shut. I just could not stop coughing and I have been so scared of that this whole time. Thankfully, Mom and Yvonne got me some water and I was able to recover. But whoa, it would be great if that never happened again!

We went off and got our nails done, a manicure for me and pedicures for Mom and Yvonne. Afterwards, we planned on meeting Kevin and Dad at Whole Foods for dinner. That has been the hardest test of my willpower. I always forget how great the food that the serve there is! And so much variety. It was like everything looked like the best food I had ever seen. I will definitely be going back once my recovery is over. Lucky for me though, they also have an amazing smoothie bar there. So I got myself a lovely mango, banana and pineapple smoothie for dinner. I enjoyed that while everyone else ate dinner.

After dinner, Mom, Dad, Kevin and I decided to go see "Maleficent".  I was so happy to finally see it, because I have been waiting for that movie sine the D23 expo last year! I had read online how much everyone hated it, but I enjoyed it! I mean it wasn't the greatest movie I'd ever seen, but I was definitely entertained and thought Angelina Jolie looked pretty badass. Another win was the fact that I don't think anyone else in the theater noticed that I had snuck in an Ensure as a mid-movie snack :P

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Also, 2 weeks until my birthday people! I'm starting to get together a menu of soft foods that I'll be able to eat. I can't wait!

Thanks for reading!

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