Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 27 - A day to re-charge

Today's Craving: Taco Bell Cheesy Potato Burrito

After the busy weekend, I was pooped! But I had to get myself up in time to watch the Portugal vs. Germany game. Though after watching it, I really would have rather slept. Although, at least it wasn't just Spain that choked a big one this week. After that disappointment, I drank my feelings away with a couple of bottles of Ensure and watched some mindless TV to relax. After that, Dad came home with the groceries and I helped him out them away in the kitchen (which was torture).

Soon it was time for the US vs. Ghana match, and man oh man did that perk me up. It was nerve-wracking! But I was very happy with the outcome. I hope we can continue to move through the group like that :) Soon after, Mom got home from work. I spent a bit of time "gambling"on my iPad. I lost all of my freaking money. Thank god it's just pretend money. Then I crocheted for a bit. As you can tell, it was a thrilling day. But I had very little energy, so it felt good to recharge a bit. The rest of the afternoon flew by with people coming and going. Eventually, Kevin got home from work, so we were back at a full house.

After a bit, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Last time we went on a walk, my jaw throbbed for most of the rest of the evening. But Dr. Fujimoto said it was normal, and encouraged me to keep walking in order to get adjusted to it. I'm happy to say that there was much less throbbing this time :) I have noticed though, lately, I have been getting these twinges in my chin. Like a quick flash of a pinprick. It's hard to explain. It almost feels like a little gnat lands on my chin, but in the same instance, flies away. I can only hope that its a positive step in my nerve regeneration.

We ended the evening with my nightly milkshake and by watching Real Housewives. Our guilty pleasure. Then mom told us about a new show she had heard about. I was instantly hooked. It's called "Little Women: LA" and it's about a group of women who are little people. It drew me in at the first episode and has quickly become my new obsession! If you have a chance, you should check it out.

Here's my progress picture for the day:

We're almost a month out! Man, that went fast (and torturously slow at the same time)!

Thanks for reading!

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