Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 41 - We're almost there!

Today's Craving: McDonald's French Fries

I was exhausted this morning. Even though I've transitioned to sleeping in a bed now, for some reason it doesn't feel like productive rest. I just keep waiting for my energy level to get back normal, and I mean it has definitely rebounded a bit since the surgery, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm hoping that once I'm unwired and can eat some actual food, that it will help. 

So I spent the morning laying low and resting. After a bit, Joanna texted me and we made plans to meet up at the pool. Dad came by and picked me up and we headed over to the apartment. It was such a hot day so Joanna and I spent most of our time in the pool. After soaking up as much sun as we could, Dad and I went back home. 

After a quick shower and some rest, I had some visitors: Anthony, Linda and Lucas! They're Kevin's cousins, but I know they like me better :P Linda was sweet enough to make me not one, but two big containers of homemade soup! I absolutely can't wait to dig into both of them as soon as I get my wires off (which is in two days, if you're counting). They smell delicious. They hung out for a bit while we all caught up on what is going on in our lives. It was so good to see them!

After the visit, Mom, Dad, Kevin and I headed up to Whole Foods so they could grab dinner. Meanwhile, I ran next store to CVS to get some more liquid Allegra and Ensure, although now that we're coming to the end I'm pretty sure I'll have some left over. 

Tomorrow is officially 6 weeks since my surgery. I can't believe it! It went so fast, but at the same time, drug on and on and on. 

Here's my progress picture for the day. Savor these last few people :P

Thanks for reading!

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