Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 23 - Ay Carumba!

Today's craving: Carne Asada fries…and mexican food in general

Well, I slept soundly last night with no sound from the critter. Hopefully he/she/it is gone for good? Guess we'll see. I slept in again this morning and wrestled myself awake to gulp down some Ensure and the last of my antibiotics. Thank god, the penicillin tastes HORRIBLE! After watching some Full House (oh you Tanners. You sure know how to start my days off), I FaceTimed with Grandma and then made my way upstairs to get ready for the day. You know, I thought my hygiene routine couldn't take any longer when I just had the braces, but I was wrong. And just think, I'm only brushing the front half of my teeth! But there's so much going on inside my mouth that brushing my teeth is a feat. And don't even mention my rinses. But it's all for a good cause. 

Kevin got off work a little early to take me to my weekly appointment with Dr Fujimoto. We got there super early, and the nurse let us wait in the exam room in case the Dr was available early. Luckily he was. He came in and first thing checked my suture sites. He said that my infection is gone (huzzah!) and that my stitches are starting to dissolve. He also checked me for any new swelling (nope) since that would be a sign of a more serious infection. Every time I come in he asks me to try and move my teeth, which helps him ensure that the wires are still tight enough. Every other appointment. I could slightly move them. This appointment I was able to move them a bit more. He said this is a good sign that the 2 bones have partially knit together. But he said my wires were still tight enough so there was no need to replace or tighten them. He also let me know that we're still on track for me to get my wires off at the 6 week mark, but then he dropped some new info on me. After my wires come off, I'll be keeping my plastic splint and will be fashioned with surgical elastics for another 2 weeks. This means that, while I will be able to remove the splint/elastics to eat and brush my teeth, I'll still have my mouth shut most of the time. And right over my birthday too. But I am trying to focus on the fact that I'll be able to brush my teeth and eat. Though Dr. Fujimoto says it will still need to be a very soft diet. Then we talked about my food cravings. He asked what the first thing I plan on eating is and I really didn't know where to start. I told him that I had a blog with 3 weeks worth of food cravings on it, but I guess with taking into account the soft diet I'll be on, I'd probably go for ravioli or pasta. 

After making my appointment for next week, Kevin and I set off. We had to stop by CVS to pick up some supplies (more children's Allegra and shampoo) then headed home to do some errands with mom. We all picked up Yvonne and Maddy on the way. Together, we went to Starbucks to celebrate Yvonne's good news: she is now cancer free!! Such exciting news!! At Starbucks, I had a passion tea lemonade and I have to tell you, just the flavor of it, the familiarity and change in the usual flavor, made me feel so happy. It almost felt like being normal again. 

After that, Mom. Kevin and I headed to Target to grab some stuff. We started off in the grocery area (bad idea). It was like everything on the shelves was calling my name.

"Hey Jen, you don't even like most of us but don't you want to eat us?"

So I told mom we had to get out of there. But not before buying 2 more flavors of ice cream, some soup and...spaghetti-o's? Hey, I've read a lot of good things about them on other jaw surgery blogs, so I guess we'll give them a shot? Don't worry, I'm sure you guys will get the play-by-play when I try those. 

We took the groceries home and met Dad. Everyone was hungry for dinner and they were planning on going out to a taqueria. I really hate being an inconvenience for them so I tagged along so they could enjoy their food hot in the restaurant. Bad choice #1. I also packed myself an Ensure to enjoy while everyone was eating. Bad choice #2. So we walked into the taqueria and I was bombarded with this:

Yes, I took pictures of the food. Bad choice #3. 

Holy shit, what kind of taqueria was this?? A taqueria of the gods?? I honestly would have sold a kidney at this point for some food, but then I noticed what the cook had just started prepping: Carne Asada fries. (Am I being Punk'd? C'mon out Ashton. How much did you pay the cook to be making my fave as soon as I walked in??) So I did what any normal person would do: shoved my face against the glass, watched him finish making them and drooled. Bad choice #4: you gotta know when to walk away. At this point, I honestly felt like crying. So begrudgingly, I found a table, sat down and poured myself an Ensure. With every sip, I thought to myself "okay, this sip is Carne Asada fries. This sip is enchiladas. This sip is chips and salsa". But I was just kidding myself. I guilted my family into shoving their food down their throast and hightailed it out of there. Once I got outside, I felt much better. :P

At home, I settled in with my nightly shake and OITNB episode until it was time for bed. Where I drifted off to sleep with visions of, no not sugar plums, al pastor danced in my head. 

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Sorry it's a little dark :/

Thanks for reading!

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