Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 19 - Damn you strawberries!

Today's Craving: Bread 

It was more of the usual this morning: getting ready, antibiotics, my second successful shower. It's the little things that make my day! Dad wanted to head to the mall to get new Nikes, ever since Phil came over to visit so we all piled in the car and headed to Valley Fair.

I was sure I would run into someone I knew there, since I wasn't feeling all that great but we were on a mission. We took off like a herd of turtles, literally. I can't walk very fact since I have very little energy so Kevin and I were trailing behind a bit. Eventually we hit the shops that everyone needed to go to and I was ready to just sit and eat something, since I hadn't eaten all morning and my tummy was a little upset. We weighed our options since we were at the mall and decided on the Cheesecake Factory.

We sat down and they brought us a bread basket. Man, I don't know what it was about that bread but it was like crack to me. It just smelled sooooo good. I'm pretty sure because it was freshly baked. But it was like that bread was calling my name. I couldn't stop staring at it. The waitress came and I ordered a strawberry smoothie. I had brought my syringe and was planning to eat, like I did at breakfast with Courtney and Gaby. This time was not so easy. I think the syringes we have are starting to wear out, so it would not depress at all. Eventually we asked the waitress to bring a plate of olive oil and I coated the depressor in it. Good as new. Now when it came to drinking the smoothie, I ran into some issues as well. It was really cold and for some reason my teeth were extra sensitive. So I could only take the tiniest of sips, otherwise I was in major pain. I don't know why this meal was so different from my other meal out but it was no fun.

We made our way home and I scarfed down another Ensure. Then I cleaned my mouth. Well, when I ordered the strawberry smoothie, I didn't really think about the seeds. Those damn seeds are so small and they got everywhere! I rinsed my mouth for, no exaggeration, 40 minutes and there were still little seeds coming out. Strawberry seeds are like the glitter of fruits. My paranoia about keeping my mouth clean was off the charts.

Damn you! So delicious but so annoying. 

Eventually, I gave up and we watched Lone Survivor. A great movie to pick up your mood. Just kidding, but it was an awesome movie that makes you appreciate a lot. We ended the night watching "Game of Thrones", live this time! I'm so glad we caught up, even if it's only for the last two episodes of the year. Then we tortured Dad by watching the Tonys that we had taped. They were so good! I mean NPH was just out of this world! I need to get to New York so I can see some of these shows, but of course I say that every year. After that, it was time of bed.

Here's my progress picture for the day:

We're almost at 3 weeks! Can you believe it?

Thanks for reading!

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