Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 20 - Manic Monday

Today's Craving: Chicken Tenders 

Ah, another Monday morning...I slept in this morning, had some Ensure for breakfast and Francis and I finally started the second season of "Mad Men". We spent the morning lounging around and relaxing. When dad came home, I got ready to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to visit.

When I was ready, we braved the heat and headed over to Gma and Gpa's house to hang out and help them out. They just had their front yard landscaping changed and something keeps pulling out some of their new plants! So dad helped Grandpa cover the plants in some netting to protect it, while Grandma and I caught up inside. I think I'm talking a little more clearly now. She could understand me better. The swelling in my mouth has gone down so I think I'm making myself better understood. Of course, Dad still can't understand me though, but it makes for some entertaining conversations.

We eventually made our way back home, so I could take my antibiotics. It's tough because the penicillin needs to be refrigerated, so I'm always tied to being back home at a certain time. At that point, dad hadn't eaten anything all day, so I told him to go to KFC and get some chicken littles, so I could enjoy them vicariously through him. They seemed like the best chicken littles ever!

ughhhhhh so good!

After a while, mom came home and her and dad headed back to the mall to take some stuff back. They decided to have dinner there too. That left me home to watch a bit more "Mad Men" and to work on my crochet project. After a bit, everyone came home, including Kevin. He surprised me with a new pack of Ensure. He knows the way to my heart…

We all settled in and watched a couple of episodes of "Orange is the New Black" and Dad set off making me my evening dessert, a milkshake. He normally will make th milkshake, then fill my syringe and give it to me to drink. Then we gauge whether the shake is blended enough or not, depending on how hard it is to depress. Well, we've been using the same 2 syringes for the last 3 weeks, and tonight they were not cooperating! I could't even finish one syringe and while Dad was trying to fix it, the shake exploded all over him. He worked his magic though and with a little bit of olive oil, I was able to finish my shake. We definitely need some new supplies though.

No progress picture today. Womp Womp :( but tomorrow is the half way point!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

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