Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 13 - Back to the recliner.

Today's craving: Chips and Salsa

I slept pretty well last night. I think I'm hitting my stride. This morning was my first morning on my own; everyone was either at work or out and about. So i got myself up, put the Apple WWDC announcement on TV via the AppleTV, took my pain meds and made myself an Ensure. Around halfway through the announcement, Jordan showed up to hang out for the day. He drove all the way down from San Francisco to hang out with me. He even brought me a little cactus and some awesome balloons!

We spent the day watching the rest of the announcement, a couple of movies, some TV and even some  tractor pulls. Poor Jordan though. I didn't have any food in the house that he could eat (since he's vegetarian and gluten-free). All I had was chips and salsa, hence my craving today. That afternoon a package was delivered. It was addressed to Mom but she was so busy in meetings all day I decided to open it. When I did, there was a card addressed to me inside! It was from Mom's friend Tawana. She works for Phizer and she filled the box with a whole bunch of Chapstick and Advil products! It was such an awesome surprise. The timing was perfect too! My lips are in dire need of some help. Like I've mentioned before, I can't lick my lips so they are always dry and peeling. I've been using Vaseline but it doesn't do much to help them heal after they've dried up. The Chapstick she sent has already made such a difference and it was so nice of her to think of me during my recovery. Thanks Tawana!

After killing me in Wii bowling, Jordan had to make the trek back home. I took a little nap, and then Luisa came over and gave me a crash course in crochet. She's the crochet queen, so if there's anyone to learn from, it's her. Under her tutelage, I got the hang of it and started on my own project. 

I spent the rest of the night crocheting and watching Game of Thrones with Mom. We finally made it to the Red Wedding, so we were excited to see her reaction. Kevin video taped it so we could show her after. She was less than pleased :P After my nightly dessert shake, I suddenly noticed that my yarn was in a high knot, so I spent the next 3 hours untangling everything. At that point, I put myself down in the recliner and tried to get to sleep. Unfortunately, my roommates sleeping on the couch were serenading me with a chorus of snores. After desperately grabbing for my earplugs, I eventually drifted off. 

Once again, I forgot to take a progress picture, so I'll leave you with my view from my recliner. 

Thanks for reading!

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