Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 32 & 33 - Weekend Recap

Day 32

Today's Craving: Philly Cheesesteak

This morning, Kevin and I rolled ourselves out of bed early so we could catch a movie. We threw on some clothes and headed off to see "X-Men: First Class". The movie came out only a few days after my surgery, and I was so disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to see it opening weekend. So I was happy we were finally getting to see it, even if I did have to sneak in an Ensure for breakfast. Plus, it was nice to have some alone time just the two of us. It didn't hurt that the movie was awesome either. I already want to see it again.

After the movie we ran a couple of errands, my favorite being picking up a Jamba Juice for me for lunch. I chose an old favorite: the chocolate moo'd with added bananas. It was delicious! After lunch, we headed back home and relaxed for a little bit. Then we got ready for the evening, meaning I actually did my hair and put on makeup! I know, shocking. It felt so weird and took longer than usual, just because I still feel like I have to be so gentle with my face. I know most of it is just my own paranoia, but I just don't want to screw anything up!

It happened to be Kevin's Mom's birthday so we had picked up a cake so we could go over and celebrate with her this afternoon. We headed over to Kevin's parent's house where they were Skyping with the family over in Portugal. We chimed in for a bit, then gathered around to sing Happy Birthday and cut into the Dick's Burnt Almond Cake we brought over. I, of course, looked on longingly. Afterwards, she opened her presents and we all hung out together. It was a great afternoon.

After Kevin's parents house, we headed to Dave and Buster's to celebrate our friend Amy's birthday. When we got there, Kevin explained to everyone that I am wired shut, therefore am not so great on the communication front. Coincidentally, one of the other gals there had just had dental surgery. She had just been given the okay to start eating soft foods, so we spent the night swapping frustrations and horror storied. I tried to have a bowl of soup, but it just didn't work, so I ended up with a vanilla milkshake instead.

After dinner, we played some video games and had a lot of fun together. I'm slowly but surely feeling more and more normal, but my energy level still hash;t fully recovered. It feels like these little bouts of being out of the house sure do take a toll on me. I can't wait until things are totally back to normal. After such a long and fun day, I was pooped. We headed back home and man oh man did I sleep well.

Here's today's progress picture:

Day 33

Todays craving: Pizza (specifically Pizza my heart)

We definitely slept in this morning. I was exhausted from yesterday. We finally rolled ourselves out of bed and just hung around the house a bit. Eventually I pulled myself together and got ready. After a bit, Kristin, Wendi and Noelle all came over to visit. I was so excited to see them! It perked up my morning :) I told Wendi that as soon as I am back in action, we need to go out and do something fun! Eventually, they had to leave, so they could go check out an event at the Girl Scout House around the corner.

After a bit though, I had another visitor: Joanna! She came over to watch the Portugal vs. US game and even brought some mini American flags for us (though we were a house divided). Man, it was a crazy but fun game! We decided that we're definitely gonna have to watch the next one on Thursday together too.

After the game, we didn't want the fun to stop, so we decided to head to the movies, yet again. I guess movies have been the theme this weekend. We decided to go see "22 Jump Street". We got to the theater and after a couple of snafus at the ticket booth, eventually made our way inside and started scouting seats. As Joanna and I grabbed some seats we noticed that Kristin and Gary were sitting in the row behind us!

The movie ended up being awesome! I was in the mood to laugh and it definitely delivered! After the movie, I went to Baskin Robbins and got myself a Birthday Cake Milkshake for the road. Talk about the best dinner ever (and a great way to end a weekend!)

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Thanks for reading!

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