Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 22 - The Hunt Continues

Today's Craving: Pizza…again

Well folks, last night, after my blog I settled into my recliner to sleep, with Dad snoozing away on the couch. All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise coming from inside the fireplace! I moved a little closer to examine and I heard a loud buzzing noise coming from behind the cardboard. Needless to say, I freaked out! I woke up Dad and while we were listening, whatever it was kept bumping up against the cardboard. What does that mean? It means we must better fortify the barricade. So there was Dad and I, up at 12:30am in the garage scouring for supplies. Now, the thing about Mom's garage, is that you can't get to the other side without moving the car because she has a big shelving unit against the wall. So imagine: Dad and I playing "I Spy" in our PJs, in the garage, and Dad having to "Dukes of Hazard" across the car hood to get to the other side and grab the supplies we need. We ended up using these heavy boxes of leftover tiles Mom had, and this long, hard piece of wood to go between the plywood and cardboard we already had on the fireplace. No matter what, this thing wasn't getting out. But like I said before, my recliner is only about 3 feet away from the fireplace, so needless to say, I was not gonna sleep easy. I told Dad we should leave a light on, that way if this thing happened to bust out of the barricade (highly unlikely) at least we could watch where it goes, instead of fumbling around in the dark. He, however, had way more faith in the barricade, turned off the light and left me to drift off into an uneasy sleep...

That's Jeffrey engineering. Barricade 3.0

I woke up early the next morning…to the sound of buzzing from the fireplace. Again, I looked at Francis to see if I was imagining it but he looked at me like "You're on your own". Again, I went to investigate and there was definitely something inside that fireplace, but I couldn't tell what it was. I called mom down, she checked it out and agreed with me, then we both cowered in fear. Eventually, I decided to ignore it and watched a bit of TV. Sporadically, the critter would make the buzzing noise again, only now I was able to hear it over the TV! Needless to say, I was on edge, imagining this demon hummingbird (which is what I decided it was) shooting out of the fireplace and attacking me. Lovely.

After a while, I went upstairs, showered and got ready, and Dad picked me up to go visit Gma and Gpa. We headed over there and hung out for a bit. When we came home, we decided that it was time to get rid of this thing, in the fireplace, once and for all. My idea was to call an exterminator but Dad had other ideas. He wanted to first look in the fireplace to figure out what he was dealing with. This involved opening the barricade. Since Mom and I are deathly afraid of birds, we were having none of that. But…Kevin was stuck at work and I wanted this ish taken care of. So I sucked it up for the team. I slid the plywood over as much as I could, Dad peaked in…and couldn't see anything. He finally decided he was going to take everything down and just see what what was in the fireplace once and for all. Mom and I held ourselves up in the laundry room and watched with baited breath through the crack in the door as Dad discovered….nothing. The fireplace was totally empty. Either the hummingbird (or whatever it was) flew back up and out of the chimney or it was stuck in the flume. Dad tried to check up the flume, but no luck. So we closed the flume, and put the cardboard up over the fireplace, just to be safe. I guess we might never know what the critter was, but I really hope it's not dead up there :(

Later, Yolanda came by to visit with Aliyah. She brought me some gorgeous flowers. Plus, seeing the both of them made my day. We all hung out for a bit, watched some Little Mermaid and generally tried to keep Francis away from Aliyah (he doesn't play well with others…)

More pretty flowers!

We ended the night with my evening milkshake (Vanilla & Peanut Butter) and by watching some "So You Think You Can Dance". Kevin made some frozen burritos for dinner and, sweet mother of god, did they smell good. I'm normally not a fan, but being wired shut can make you want to eat some crazy things. So now here I am, in the recliner, next to the still cardboarded up fireplace, desperately listening to see if I can hear anything coming from the other side. We'll see how tonight's night of sleep goes... 

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Thanks for reading :)

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