Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 34 - The menu for the birthday feast just keeps growing...

Today's Craving: Animal Style Fries

Well, I think I've finally found a great configuration of pillows on my bed. I slept really well. The final count is 3 pillows under the head, one under the knees. It lets me lay far enough back to feel comfy while still supporting my jaw enough. Dr Fujimoto suggested that I slowly start taking pillows away so that eventually I'm back to sleeping flat. We'll see how that goes. 

Anyways, after sleeping in for a bit, I headed downstairs and started a movie (Just Like Heaven..a classic!). I relaxed a bit until dad got home. He suggested that we take my recovery poolside, since it was such a nice day. Since I have basically been a vampire hermit, and my skin is translucent, I took him up on the offer. I packed up an Ensure with a straw and we headed around the corner to my apartment pool. 

After a quick stop into my apartment for my suit, Dad and I set up shop by the pool. I really do not use our pool enough. There were only 2 other people there, but granted, it was mid-day Monday. It was pretty hot out there so I downed my Ensure before it baked in the sun. Dad and I spent our time alternating between tanning and floating in the pool. After an hour, I figured my porcelain skin had probably had enough, but George Hamilton had not yet reached his limit. I packed up my stuff and headed back into the apartment, while he continued to crisp. 

After I cleaned up my apartment a bit, Dad finally came to his senses and realized he had bit too much. Dad had to stop by his house, so we headed over there and then picked me up a Jamba Juice on the way home. Dad even got one (he ordered a "Razzatazza", in his words). Mom left for Oregon this morning, so Dad and I relaxed alone at home until Kevin came home. Then the guys decided that they would like to go to In N Out for dinner. I figured I would get a milkshake so I went along for the ride. You know, you would think after a month that I would have learned my lesson. Being locked in a small car carrying delicious food is TORTURE. 

Eventually, God smiled upon me and we arrived back at home. While the guys ate their in n out, I pureed myself some chicken noodle soup. After dinner, we settled in for some Housewives goodness and I tucked into that Neapolitan shake I had picked up. What a way to end the night…

and of course I was too engulfed in my milkshake to take a progress picture. sorry :/

Thanks for reading!

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