Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 18 - A busy busy day

Today's Craving: Enchiladas

Today started early, at least in terms of my recent days. I had trouble falling asleep last night and had to wake up early so it was a rough morning for me. Victor and Cady had invited Kevin and I to the cast and crew screening of "How to Train Your Dragon 2"! Are we so lucky to know such creative people, or what? We were both super excited to see the movie because we loved the first one so much. We met at the theater and got seats, while the guys went and got our free concessions. I enjoyed my ice water and Kevin ate my popcorn. Victor set our expectations high and I definitely was not disappointed! The movie was awesome, even though the kid behind us wouldn't shut up. Also, he kicked my chair through the whole movie. I turned around a couple of times and tried to pantomime "STOP KICKING MY CHAIR" but I guess mumbling through my wires and playing charades didn't get my point across. Plus his dad was clueless and wouldn't say anything to the kid. Kevin and Victor both even tried saying something to him. Despite that though, I had a great time! Seriously, go see this movie ASAP.

Isn't this the cutest couple picture you've ever seen :P

After the movie, I was pooped. I fell asleep in the car on the way home, so when we got back I took a quick nap. After my nap, Paul and Cecilia came over to visit! They brought me some beautiful flowers, some new face moisturizer and supplies for milkshakes. Thats gonna go to good use! We visited for a bit and they caught me up on what's going on in their lives. Paul was so entertained that he fell asleep...I have the blackmail photos to prove it. After, we watched the Belmont Stakes (poor California Chrome) and then Cecilia had to drive sleeping beauty home. :P

After they left, we had dinner; Enchiladas for everyone else, hence the craving, and chicken broth for me. Ever since I found out about the infection, I'm a little wary about eating anything that's not totally liquid. I just figure its safer to avoid any pieces of food getting into my stitches and exacerbating the situation. So I've been eating mostly Ensure, chicken broth and chicken noodle soup that has been blended up. And I'm not super sick of it yet, so that's good. After dinner we all watched a bit of TV and eventually started the new season of "Orange is the New Black". Couple that with the fact that we've been watching "Game of Thrones" and Dad is convinced that every show we watch is perverted.

Here's my progress picture for the day:

I've been putting cortisone cream on the little bumps on my chin, and I think it's helping a bit. They're still hanging around but they aren't as irritating. I hope they're gone soon though. I've also been even more meticulous about keeping my mouth clean, which is saying something. The stitches seemed to have cleared up so I'm hoping that the dr. will have some good news for me when I see him on Thursday, especially because the antibiotics taste nasty!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing you on Saturday, Boo! I'm glad you are halfway there. I was so bummed about California Chrome. Guess we gotta save our money to make buy our ponies "Dumbledore," "Todo Bang," and "Pho Sho!" XO - CLeo
