Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 15 - A test of my willpower

Today's Craving:

Well I woke up at a decent time this morning, since Uncle John came over. There's no sleeping when he's around! (just kidding, JR..kind of) So after he and Dad left, I got myself up and poured myself some Ensure for breakfast. Have I mentioned that the strawberry is my favorite flavor?

So I had decided that this would be the day I finish the first season of Mad Men. I was a few episodes deep when Dad came home, but I would not let that derail me. Even though he kept insisting "we watched this movie yesterday!". Eventually, I made it to the end (and can you believe that most of Dad's predictions were right!) Now I can't wait to start the second season!

We had a family dinner planned at Grandma & Grandpa's so I got myself ready to leave the house (a feat in itself) and packed up some Ensure to eat for dinner. yay. As I was packing everything up, the doorbell rang. It was a flower delivery from my DZ grand-little, Christina. She sent me the prettiest bouquet of roses and lilies! Also, in the mail, I got a card and iTunes gift card from my other DZ sister, Kate! Thanks Christina and Kate! You two are so sweet and totally made my day!

After a pitstop at Michael's for some of my craft supplies, we arrived at Gma & Gpa's for dinner. No one knew I was coming, so it was good to see and visit with everyone, even though I'm pretty hard to understand. My cousin, Brandon brought his dog, Leo and of course we bought Francis so we were all excited to see how they'd get along. Well, Leo's a puppy so he just wanted to play! But since Francis was basically raised by a hermit, he wasn't having any of it. The jury is still out on whether or not they'll be friends but time will tell...

Who can resist this face?

Then it was time for dinner. Lisa made pasta with (what smelled like) the best homemade sauce in the world, with meatballs and sausage. (Not the one pictured above. Her's looked waaaaay better than that one) She also made garlic bread and a delicious looking salad! This was like torture! It was literally the hardest time I've had around food since being wired shut! Normally, it's not that bad; Mom, Dad and Kevin have food at home, make dinner and sometimes will eat it where I can see it, but something about this meal at Grandma's made it extra hard. But I sat there and poured myself an Ensure and forced myself to drink it really slowly, so I wouldn't drool all over the tablecloth.

Being out that long took a lot of energy and kind of pooped me out. So we made our way home. Dad heated up some of the leftover poutine (yum!) and I ate dinner. While we were at dinner, Uncle George had talked to dad about this show on the Discovery channel. You know, one of those outdoorsy reality shows. Well, I felt bad for dad because for the past two weeks, he's had to watch shows that he wouldn't dream of watching normally, so I gave him control of the remote for a while. We ended up watching "Kodiak Island" and "Dual Survivor". Hope that will hold him over for a while :P

Here's my progress picture for the day:

You can't really see it in this picture, but over the past couple of days I've developed this little rash under my chin. All of a sudden these little bumps popped up below my chin, where I am still a bit swollen. Oh yea, and they itch like hell too. Just add that to the list… I've read on some other jaw surgery blogs that it's pretty normal, and caused by the skin stretching then shrinking back down again so I'm hoping that's the case. I'm also hoping that they get the hell out of here, fast!

Also, my skin has been super dry. Anyone have any good recommendations for face moisturizers?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Try Olay Total Effects Face Lotion. It's like a miracle face lotion! Was recommended to me by my Dermatologist and it is the best!!!!

  2. Thanks Emily! I'll check it out :)

  3. Let me know what you think about it! ��
