Tuesday, June 17, 2014

One month down!

Today's craving: A Country Inn linguica omelette with fries instead if hash browns and sourdough toast. Aka my usual.

I can't believe that we are already four weeks down. 2/3rds of the way there!

I woke up this morning and instead of being excited, I was in a little bit of a funk. I just didn't feel like myself. I have read on other blogs that sometimes after surgery, you can go through little bouts of depression. I don't think I'm depressed, per se, but I'm just feeling kind of "meh". I'm hoping it doesn't last too long. 

So there I was, in my recliner, feeling a bit sorry for myself when I remembered my free flight sitting in my southwest account and my promise to visit Katlyn in November! Quickly, I set into action. After searching the limited flights they offer for free travel online, I decided my best bet would be to call and talk to an agent. But how, you ask, can you possibly talk on the phone when you are wired shut and virtually unable to communicate? Why, you call on your handy Mom translator, duh! So around lunch time, after a phone call with a seemingly new agent, I was all set! And you know what visiting Katlyn also means: visiting Disney World! If getting back to Disney World after 14 years doesn't cheer me up, nothing will!

I spent the rest of the day researching  and chatting with Katlyn about Dianey World and trying to make reservations at the restaurants I want to eat at. I've already driven everyone in the house crazy with showing them stuff about it. Little do they know, we have 5 months to go!

In the early afternoon, Dad decided to cook Chile Verde for dinner. Graciously, he put the crockpot outside so I wouldn't have to smell it cooking all day. By the time Kevin got home, they dug in. I'm not the biggest Chile Verde fan in the world, but I'm telling you, I could have eaten that whole pot. No problem. 

As the evening rolled around, we settled into our nightly routine. We watched "Little Women" and dad made me my evening shake. I'm working toward sleeping upstairs, in a real bed sometime this week but for now, I was still in the recliner. As I settled down for sleep, I was incredibly nauseous. It must have been something in my evening shake. But it's strange because I have had that same shake for the last couple of nights and not had any problems. I really hope this nausea doesn't linger because it is no bueno. 

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Like I said, I can't believe it's been a month! I feel like my face is starting to look more normal now, more like me. For a while, every time I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognize my face. It was very weird. But now, I feel like I'm starting to look like my old self, just with a centered chin. Now let's power through these last 2 weeks so I can EAT!!!

Thanks for reading!

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