Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 17 - Save your trail mix. We can't eat it here.

Today's Craving: Hot Dog

This morning, I slept in. It's hard sleeping in though because I sleep in the recliner in the living room, so while I'm still sleeping, everyone else is already up and milling about for the day. I'm hoping to move upstairs to the bed soon, but my jaw still just feels so fragile whenever I lay back too far. It triggers the spasms. Anyways, I finally got up and moving and Mom poured me some Ensure for breakfast.

Mom left to get her haircut and Dad ran off to run some errands so Francis and I were left to channel surf and play on my iPad all morning. When Mom came home, we took advantage of the fact that she was working from home and cleared off a good chunk of the DVR. We even had time to watch Game of Thrones and Mom is finally caught up! Yay!

That night, Kevin had plans to go to the Giants game. His parents, brother, and friends all met up at Mom's house before the game. We decked them out in Giants gear and sent them off on their way. At the same time, Joanna had made appointments for us to get pedicures. She picked me up and we set off. After a couple of crossed wires, we ended up trying a new place in Campbell. We sat down for our pedicures, and every time I spoke I felt like everyone in the salon gave me side eyes, wondering "what the hell is wrong with this girl??". Then the manicurist came out with water for us, and little bowls of trail mix. I gave an awkward pantomime to say "um thanks but don't waste your trail mix", and finally Joanna jumped in to my rescue. We chatted away while getting our toes done but after a while, my jaw really started hurting. I think it was a combination of trying to talk and turning my head to see Joanna on my right. It was so worth it though. I left relaxed with super cute toes!

After I came home, Mom, Dad and I watched the Giants game and a couple of shows off the DVR. Sidenote: Dad made a comment during one of the shows and his voice sounded weird, like he had a bubble in his throat, so for some reason that set me off on a laughing fit. It was one of those times where no matter what, you just can't stop laughing. And you can barely catch your breath, which is even harder when you can only breath out of your nose. It really wasn't as painful as I expected it to be, more like I was gasping for breaths. But it felt really good to laugh :) After that, Dad made milkshakes for all of us, Kevin came home and I got ready for bed. I spent a long time rinsing my mouth and making sure it was extra clean. I'm gonna kick this infection, dammit!

I forgot to take a progress picture today, but I pretty much look the same as yesterday. Thanks for all of the suggestions on moisturizers. I'm gonna try some out :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Omg I was laughing so hard about dad and the bubble in his throat lol I know that voice

    1. His voice was like Kermit the frog and he didn't seem to notice so he just kept talking, which made me laugh harder!
