Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 35 - 5 weeks down.

Today's Craving: That new Taco Bell Quesarito. I mean it's hard to crave something you've never had but if they could stop showing those damn commercials every 5 minutes, I'd appreciate it.

I'm starting to feel like this blog is getting so repetitive. Wake up, get in the recliner, chug down a couple of Ensures, entertain myself until everyone comes home. But this is my life right now. I think I'm just getting caught up in the repetitiveness of everything. But I just keep chugging along with my eye to next week when the wires actually come out. When I really think about it, I cannot believe it has already been 5 weeks. 

Anyways, I woke up this morning and came downstairs and got myself a bit of breakfast. I spent the morning working on some of the paperwork associated with my surgery. I'm up to my eyeballs in claim forms right now but it's a necessary evil. After than fun-fest, I worked on my crochet project a bit and watched some TV. 

After lunch, I finished off my Jamba Juice from the day before for lunch, then Katlyn and I had a good, solid FaceTime session. We planned a bit more for our vacation to Disney World. It's been really good to have that as a distraction for me. Anytime I get a little down about my situation or being stuck inside, I just hop on my computer and start planning. 

Lucky for me I had another distraction for the afternoon: My friend Dan came over to visit! We hadn't seen each other in quite a while, so we had a lot to catch up on. Plus he brought me some awesome coloring pages and a crapton of crayons! It was so good seeing him and having a little mini-reunion, even if I barely understandable through my wires. ;)

My masterpiece :P

After Dan's adieu, Kevin came home from work and he and Dad figured out what they wanted for dinner. They decided on Sweet Mango and went to pick it up. They again came home with the most delicious food! But, they also ordered me some Won Ton Soup to try and eat. I sifted out the Won Tons and veggies, and put some of the broth into a cup. It helped ease the torture of smelling all that delicious food that I cannot eat. It also was a very nice change of pace from what I was eating before. 

After dinner, we watched some TV and the boys went to bed. I watched a few episode of Parks and Recs on Netflix while working on my crochet project. Eventually, it was bedtime so I headed upstairs and tucked myself in. 

Here's my progress picture:

Only 1 week left (well really 9 days)!

Thanks for reading!

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