Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 30 - Yet another doctor's appointment.

Today's Craving: Scrambled Eggs

Well, last night in the bed was not so successful. I had tried a couple of different configurations before jumping into bed, so I thought I'd be fine when the time came. Well, there I was, PJs on, settling into bed, trying to fall asleep, and…I couldn't. I tossed and turned for 45 minutes, trying to get comfortable. Eventually I scrapped my whole pillow configuration and started from scratch. Then I woke up around 5am, and my neck and back were killing me! So, I shifted the pillows around again and hoped for the best. I'm still going to continue trying to get adjusted to sleeping back in a bed, so I'm just gonna keep tweaking things until it works for me. So after that evening, I slept in as much as I could and then rolled myself out of bed and headed downstairs. The lack of sleep really didn't help with that pesky rain cloud  hanging around. Eventually, I got sucked into a few episodes of Full House and had some Ensure. 

That afternoon, I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Fujimoto. Dad and I headed to Cupertino, and made it just in time for my appointment. We ran into Dr Fujimoto in the hall, so he followed us into the exam room. He checked inside my mouth and said everything is looking great! No sign of infection. He was amazed at how clean it was. I told him I'm a little psycho about it now, ever since the infection. Then he talked me through the next couple of weeks. I'm going to be getting my wires off on July 3rd. Before they take the wires off, they'll take an X-ray just to make sure everything is still in the proper place. After my wires come off, I'll be able to take my splint out, brush my teeth (THANK GOD!) and then I'll put the splint back in and be fitted with elastic bands to hold my mouth shut. I'll wear the bands at all times, except when I am eating or brushing my teeth. He said it will feel pretty weird at that point. After the splint comes off, my teeth will not fit perfectly, hence the reason I'll still be wearing my braces for a while. I'll have some difficulty chewing but eventually I'll get adjusted. He said it will be about 3 months before I am fully healed. At that point, you won't be able to see any break if you were to look at my X-rays. Dr. Fujimoto also said that I'll continue to see him periodically after I am fully healed. Eventually, I'll get down to seeing him only once a year for a check in. I also asked him about my nausea, and he suggested some more…ahem…fiber in my diet. Hopefully that takes care of it. 

After the appointment, I was feeling pretty good. I mean I only had 2 weeks yet before I could eat something! In the meantime, I was craving some real food. Some soup in fact. So Mom blended up a can of minestrone soup. I really wanted to just use a straw to drink it, so Mom put it in a cup for me. Well, that didn't last too long because all of the skins from the veggies kept blocking the holes in my splint. So I would try and take a big sip through the straw, get half a mouthful of soup and then all of the sudden I would't be able to suck anymore! It was so frustrating. So instead Mom blended up a can of chicken noodle, and that went down great!

After a while, Mom and Dad walked to Subway and picked up dinner for themselves and Kevin. Everyone arrived back home at the same time and they all enjoyed their dinner (ugh) while I started watching "Witness" starring Mr. Harrison Ford. After everyone was done eating, we rented "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" and relaxed. Until it was time for me to go back upstairs and get myself as comfortable as possible in bed. 

Here's my progress picture for the day:

Thanks for reading!

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