Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 25 and Day 26 - Weekend Recap!

Day 25

Today's Craving: Bacon Wrapped Hot Dog

This morning, Dad woke me up in just enough time to get ready for our 2nd Giants game. I went upstairs, threw myself together and we headed out. A couple of days before the game, dad had listed 2 of his tickets for sale because Mom was going up north to visit some family and Kevin had a graduation to go to. As we were driving over to drop Francis off at Grandma's, Dad and I checked to see if his tickets had sold. They hadn't, so we started to go into panic mode. We went back and forth texting with Kevin when he finally decided that he was going to be able to meet us up there. He would just take the train after the graduation. Woo hoo! We dropped Francis off at Grandma's, pulled one of the tickets off of StubHub and headed off to San Francisco. 

Dad and I wanted to get to the game early, since they were giving away free camp Giants hats, and luckily we got there in time. Since we had time before the game, I grabbed a seat in the field club while Dad went off and got some food. He came back with some pizza, and I drank my Ensure. In the meantime, we figured out how to electronically transfer the ticket to Kevin so we wouldn't have to leave our seats when he got there. Isn;t technology awesome?  We made our way to the seats, which felt like the surface of the sun, and settled in to enjoy another game. We lathered on sunscreen and wore our free hats, but there was no escaping the sun. It felt nice though, having been cooped up inside lately. Eventually the man who purchased Dad's other ticket showed up. He started talking to Dad and asked "Do you come to the games a lot?" to which Dad replied "Well, you bought my seat!".  He was from Australia and goes around to different US baseball parks anytime he has some time off. He was a nice guy, and gave Dad someone to talk to at the game. I'm still generally pretty quiet, because it is so difficult to talk, and I try to limit my talking to only the necessary stuff, so I was glad Dad had someone to chat with during the game. In the middle of the third inning, Kevin showed up (with a delicious corn beef sandwich) with gave Dad another vocal companion, and a translator for me because Kevin can understand me much better than Dad can. We watched the rest of the game, which was yet again disappointing, so we were glad to get out of there. 

 free hats!

After we got home, we ran a few errands and stopped by Jamba Juice for me. Ironically, it was the first Jamba Juice that I have had since the surgery. When I was preparing for the surgery, I really thought I would be living at Jamba Juice and sampling the whole menu, but with the infection and the trouble I've had eating through the syringe, I hadn't gotten there yet. After my disaster with the strawberry seeds, I knew I was going to avoid that ingredient, so I ordered a Peach Pleasure. It was so delicious and quite a nice change of pace for me. I can't wait to start trying some more now. 

No seeds here!

After that, we headed home and watched some TV where the recliner quickly seduced me into sleep. Overall, it was fun but I was so exhausted. The two games really wore me out and it's hard for me to be away from the house for so long. I just have my routine and all of my supplies I need here, so it's tough to adjust.  


Day 26

Today's Craving: Pizza again

Sunday morning, we all woke up and got ready for the day. First up, we had lunch for Father's Day with my family. Kevin, Dad and I met Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle George, Lisa, Alyssa, Brandon and Liz at Harry's Haufbrau (fancy, huh?). We all had decided that we wanted a low key father's day, so Harry's it was! Before our meal, Kev and I gave Dad his gift (CSNY concert tickets). He was very surprised and didn't even know that they were coming! While everyone got in line to order food, I saved the table, drank my Ensure and watched World Cup on my phone. I asked Kevin to get me a cup of the turkey noodle soup, thinking it would be the most brothy soup. But when he got back, I realized, it wasn't as brothy as I had expected, but I didn't let that stop me.  I filled up my syringe, but was having some trouble. So I tried transferring the liquid I had already sucked into the syringe back into an extra bowl, then was planning on straining the soup a bit. Well, thats when the whole thing exploded. All over me, all over the table and worst of all, all over Liz! I was so embarrassed and felt so bad. I gave up after that and gave my soup to Grandma. 

After lunch, we headed to Yumi Yogurt to pick up some new flavors for my evening shakes. Luckily, they had my favorite flavor, Oreo Crunch. We got a quart and headed home because I was running pretty low on energy. Kevin left to attend a graduation party so Dad and I spent some quality time together hanging out and watching the Argentina vs. Bosnia game. We also played our slot machine game on our iPads. I introduced it to him and have created a monster :) Also, I'm obligated to mention that Sunday was also Francis' 7th birthday. So he was sufficiently spoiled throughout the day. A bit later, Mom got home. She had brought a whole bunch of old pictures home from Gramma's house, so  naturally we had to go through all of them and check them out! There were a LOT of pictures, so we were at it for a while. Eventually, Mom and Dad got hungry. After debating what they wanted, they decided to order pizza and salad. It arrived just as Kevin did. And…it was torturous! It smelled so good!

WHY?!??! this is how much was leftover too. Just calling to me….

After they all pigged out, we watched the Game of Thrones season finale. I had mixed feelings about it, but I am so disappointed that the season is over. Then we watched a couple of shows that we had taped throughout the week and Mom made me a milkshake! She used the Oreo Crunch yogurt, a banana and a vanilla Boost for some protein. And it was DAMN good! I'm pretty sure it will become my go-to smoothie for the time being. After that, I slipped into a smoothie-induced coma, and it was time to sink into my recliner for some well deserved sleep. 

Catfish and a smoothie. Hell yes. 

Thanks for reading!

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