Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 14 - 2 weeks down :)

Today's Craving: Fried Egg Sandwich

2 weeks people! I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks!

Well after Snory McSnorerson and his sidekick Mini Von Snore kept me up late last night, I decided to sleep in. What I didn't decide was to sleep until noon! But I guess my body needed it. Today was my first day being home alone pretty much all day, so when I woke up, it was to this sight…

guess someone else needed their sleep too...

So Francis and I got up, had some breakfast and got ourselves put together for the day. Then we settled in the recliner to work on my crochet project and watch TV. I almost finished the whole first season of Mad Men. And now I'm addicted...

Later in the afternoon, Dad came home and he said he had a surprise for me for linner (lunch/dinner). While he was blending up some sort of concoction in the kitchen, I continued watching Mad Men. He kept popping out of the kitchen to watch with me, and let me tell you readers, listening to my dad predict what is going to happen on Mad Men was priceless. Eventually he called me into the kitchen and had me try it. I put the tube in my mouth attached the syringe and…nothing. It was too thick so nothing came out. Foiled again by this damn tubing! Dad added more chicken broth (he ended up having to use a whole can) and eventually got it to a consistency that would make it through the syringe. I put it back in my mouth (TWSS) and started feeding myself. Dear readers, if I could give you a glimpse into my mine during those first moments, it would go something like this:

"Hmm I wonder what he came up with? Why did it take so long to get ready? I hope it gets through the tubing this tiOH MY GOD THIS IS SO GOOD. WHAT IS THIS DELICIOUSNESS?!? I WISH THIS TUBING WAS BIGGER SO I CAN GET MORE OF THIS IN MY MOUTH!"

As I was depressing the syringe as fast as it would go, dad started asking me what I thought it was. At this point, I could tell this was real food, which is why it tasted so good. When I say real food, I mean it was food that people who are not wired shut would eat, aka this did not involve ensure. Also I could kind of tell it was potatoes. Finally he showed me the bag:

Yes people, my dad found Poutine and blended that ish up for me! It was just so nice to eat something resembling real food. I mean, I've been having soup and even some mashed potatoes (blended well of course) but this just seemed extravagant. It almost made me feel like I was having a real meal. It will definitely tide me over until I can have the Short Rib Poutine from Little Chef Counter. 

The problem with eating out of these syringes is how long it takes. It can take me anywhere from a couple minutes to 10 minutes to finish a whole syringe (depending on the consistency of the food) and I normally will only get through 2 or 3 syringes before my shrunken stomach feels full, or before my jaw starts getting tired and I have to take a break. So I find myself eating until my appetite has been curbed, but I never really feel full. On the bright side hough, I've lost 5.7% of my body weight so far. So, silver lining I guess?

After that gloriousness, Kevin came home from work and he and dad went to Aqui's to get some dinner, leaving me at home. As luck would have it, the doorbell rang. I assumed it was Phil (who was coming over to visit) so I went and answered the door. But….it wasn't Phil. It was a little boy who was selling strawberries and mangoes. Now, they sounded delicious and I would have loved to have some for smoothies, but there I stood on the other side of Mom's security screen thinking: "how the hell am I going to ask this kid how much the strawberries are???". Most people can't understand me when I talk right now. Hell, most of the time my family can't tell what I'm saying. And I didn't really feel like getting my iPad to talk to this kid, so unfortunately, I just pantomimed "No" through the door, and gave him a sad "Sorry" through my wires. I really hope he comes by when someone else is here so we can buy some fruit!

Eventually, Dad and Kevin came back home, and Phil came over to hang out! We all sat around watching baseball until Mom came home. Once she got here, we worked on catching her up on Game of Thrones until it was time for bed.

Here's my progress picture for the day:

As you can see, 2 weeks out, my priorities have started to change. I'm less focused on how much the swelling has gone down, and more focused on getting some real food in my mouth :P 

Just think, we're 1/3rd of the way there! Just 4 weeks to go! 

Thanks for reading!

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